Our TAG theme this year is simple: Experiment. Fail. Learn. Repeat. Sometimes gifted students have a really tough time when they do not get something right away, but failure is part of the learning process. We are digging deeper this year. We are pushing our brains to think. The truth is, the great minds of the world learned from many failed attempts before their accomplishments marked them as part of our history. As long as we learn from the ideas that didn't work and don't give up, we are being the best we can be!

First graders challenging their problem solving skills using Q-bitz.

K'NEX challenge: What are the key components of a good helmet? If it doesn't work the first time, what could you change or tweak?

"My Gifted Self" - This web-quest is forcing the students to learn more about their own learning styles and intelligence types. Each student will then present what they have learned about themselves through a choice chart project. We have students making books, building a word filled Lego building, composing songs, and many other projects.