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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Superkids Test Super Air

Is air powerful or weak? Other than breathing, how does it affect us and our daily lives? These are the questions that the third grade group will be exploring over the next few weeks. 

While it may seem like air "isn't really there", the third grade Superkids (we named ourselves) have been investigating and finding this is not the case! Today's challenge: keep your Superkid emblem on your chest without tape, glue, string, hanging it, or bending backwards. In order to accomplish this task, we took a little trip down to the old gym so that the students would have plenty of space to experiment. 

Superkid Emblems 

Things started off slow. The Superkids were cautious of their surroundings. But then, one student took off...literally! Running across the gym, he realized that the emblem would stay on his chest. As with most things, once the rest of the Superkids realized it was OK to run, it was a flurry of activity. They tried straight line running, circle running, and zig-zags. They found when they changed direction, the emblem flew off. This lead to a great discussion about the force of air, tornadoes, and what would happen if there wasn't any air in the gym. 

The Superkids' brains were thinking and processing, and they were starting to build a great knowledge base on the power of air. 

Up next? Air vs. water! Stay tuned!