Genius Hour

1) Create an essential question and get approval from the teacher.
Having a hard time deciding? Check out this list of 100+ ideas. Some are great, some are be the judge!

2) Once your essential question has been approved, submit your question using the Google Form below.


3) After you have submitted your essential question, begin work on your KWHLAQ chart. If you're having trouble remembering the new letters (this used to be a KWL chart), check out this post  to refresh your memory.

4) Create a plan on our class Trello page. Each student will sign on using the TAG account, but you will add your own list. HERE is our class page. HERE is an example of another class's page for ideas.

5) Start researching, building, creating, etc.

6 Fill our the L-A-Q columns in the KWHLAQ Chart.

7) Create a video showing your final product.

8) Share video (possibly on YouTube, but more information to come)

9) Write an entry about how you felt during Genius Hour projects.

10) View others' videos and type compliments.

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