Friday, September 9, 2016

2016-2017 is Going to Be a Great Year!

I am so excited to get back to seeing students each day, exploring their passions, and tackling new projects. The first few weeks of school were spent on identification testing, but we are now back in the swing of regular classes!

We being each year with a brainstorming session: What do YOU want to learn this year? Each grade level throws out ideas on what projects they have enjoyed, what they are curious about, and what they want to learn more about. During this session, there are no bad ideas. We write everything down!

After the list is completed, we use it to write our individual W.I.Gs (Wildly Important Goals). These kids have some big goals, and I couldn't be more excited to provide support in their efforts to achieve them.

Which brings me to our classroom motto. For the last three years, Clarke TAG has been living by this motto - Experiment, Fail, Learn, Repeat. I know I've written about it before, but it is integral to the success of our program. "Failure" can be scary, especially to students who are used to having all the answers. However, failure is how we learn! We don't give up in this class, but instead figure out where we went wrong and push forward. I love seeing my students tackle problem after problem and not letting the "fails" get them down.

So, will be learn about ALL of the things on our list this year? Probably not. But will we try, and try again? Absolutely!

Welcome to the 2016-2017 TAG year!